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Turn Your Home Into a Sanctuary from Seasonal Allergies

The most effective way to get rid of seasonal allergies is to avoid exposure to the allergen altogether. Yet, this is not possible for a seasonal allergy as we have to (and should) go outside. Dr. Kate Sage gives recommendations on how to turn your home into a safe haven from those allergens.

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Supplements and Herbs for Seasonal Allergies

You may have seen the allergy supplement section at the natural food store and immediately became overwhelmed. There are a lot of products that claim to help allergies! Dr. Kate Sage discusses how you can use supplements and herbs to treat seasonal allergies.

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Children sitting

Exploring Neurodiversity

This month, people around the world commemorated Neurodiversity Celebration Week, an initiative that seeks to “challenge stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences.” Next month, many will celebrate “Autism and Neurodiversity Awareness Month,” and “World Autism Day.” These celebrations may promote learning

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Diagnosing Autism and ADHD

Do you wonder if your child is autistic or has Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Has your child or teen come to you and told you they think they might be autistic or have ADHD? Has a teacher raised a concern? If

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